Wednesday, November 27, 2019

telescopes essays

telescopes essays The telescope has changed the world greatly by being able to make distant objects appear closer and more distinct. It helped scientists to discover things that could not be seen by the naked eye. For example, a lot of things in space would have not been discovered if it were not for the telescope. Also, it helped the world of eyesight. It would not only let you see objects from far away, it would also help you see if you had a problem with it. It could also be used for other things: hunting, war, and making new discoveries. What would the world be like without the telescope? I dont know what the world would be like, but I some very good reasons why it was good that the telescope was created. Before there was the telescope people had to make discoveries by judgment. They were not very accurate discoveries. They also had to just use the naked eye when they would have to use the naked eye when looking at distant objects that could have been easily seen by the telescope. The telescope was one of the main instruments of what has been called the Scientific Revolution of the seventeenth century. It revealed unsuspected phenomena in the heaves and had a profound influence on the controversy between followers of the traditional astronomy, the cosmos, and those who favored the naked eye. It was the first extension of mans senses and demonstrated that ordinary observers could see things that Aristotle had not dreamed of. It therefore helped shift authority in the observation of nature from men to instruments. In short, it was the prototype of modern scientific instruments. But the telescope was not the invention of scientists; rather, it was the product of craftsmen. For that reason, much of its origin is inaccessible to us since craftsmen were by large illiterate and therefore historically often invisible. Although the magnifying and diminishing properties of the convex and concave transparent objects was known in Antiq...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Reflexive Pronouns in Spanish

Reflexive Pronouns in Spanish Reflexive pronouns are used in Spanish and English whenever the subject of a verb is also its object. In other words, reflexive pronouns are used when the subject of a sentence is acting on itself. An example is the me in me veo (and the corresponding myself in I see myself), where the person seeing and the person seen are the same. Verbs used with a reflexive pronoun are known either as reflexive verbs or pronominal verbs. This lesson covers the reflexive pronouns that are used with verbs. Spanish also has reflexive pronouns used with prepositions. The 5 Reflexive Pronouns Used With Verbs Verbal reflexive pronouns are used in much the same way as direct-object and indirect-object pronouns; they typically precede the verb or can be attached to the infinitive, imperative verb, or gerund. Here are the verbal reflexive pronouns along with their English equivalents: me - myself - Me lavo. (I am washing myself.) Voy a elegirme. (I am going to choose myself.)te - yourself (informal) -  ¿Te odias? (Do you hate yourself?)  ¿Puedes verte? (Can you see yourself?)se - himself, herself, itself, themselves, yourself (formal), yourselves (formal), each other - Roberto se adora. (Roberto adores himself.) La nià ±a prefiere vestirse. (The girl likes to dress herself.) La historia se repite. (History repeats itself.) Se compran los regalos. (They are buying themselves gifts, or they are buying each other gifts.)  ¿Se afeita Ud.? (Do you shave yourself?) El gato se ve. (The cat sees himself.)nos - ourselves, each other - Nos respetamos. (We respect ourselves, or we respect each other.) No podemos vernos. (We cant see each other, or we cant see ourselves.)os - yourselves (informal, used primarily in Spain), each other - Es evidente que os querà ©is. (Its obvious that you love each other, or its obvious you love yourselves.) Podà ©is ayudaros . (You can help yourselves, or you can help each other.) As you can see from the above examples, the plural pronouns in Spanish can be translated using the English reflexive pronouns or the phrase each other. (Technically, grammarians would call the latter usage of the Spanish pronoun reciprocal rather than reflexive.) Usually, context will make clear the more likely translation. Thus, while nos escribimos conceivably could mean we write to ourselves, it most often would mean we write to each other. If necessary, a phrase can be added for clarification, such as in se golpean el uno a otro (they are hitting each other) and se golpean a sà ­ mismos (they are hitting themselves). Reflexive pronouns should not be confused with English constructions such as I myself am buying the gift. In that sentence (which could be translated to Spanish as yo mismo compro el regalo), myself isnt being used as a reflexive pronoun but as a way of adding emphasis. Sample Sentences Using Reflexive Pronouns  ¿Por quà © me enojo tanto? (Why do I get mad at myself so much?) Voy a cocinarme una tortilla de papas y queso. (Im going to cook a potato and cheese omelet for myself. This is an example of attaching the pronoun to an infinitive.)  ¿Cà ³mo te hiciste daà ±o? (How did you hurt yourself?) Los gatos se limpian instintivamente para quitarse el olor cuando han comido. (Cats clean themselves instinctively to get rid of the odor when they have eaten.) Nos consolamos los unos a los otros con nuestra presencia humana. (We comforted each other with our human presence.) Se videograbà ³ bailando y envià ³ el archivo a mi agente. (She videotaped herself dancing and sent the file to my agent.) Mà ©dico, cà ºrate a ti mismo. (Physician, heal thyself. The reflexive pronoun is attached to a verb in the imperative mood.) Estamos dndonos por quien somos y lo que hacemos. (We are holding ourselves responsible for who we are and what we do. This is example of attending the reflexive pronoun to a gerund.) Hay dias que no hay dias que no me entiendo entiendo. (There are days I dont understand myself.) Nos consolamos con dulces. (We comforted ourselves with candy.) Los dos se buscaron toda la noche. (The two looked for each other all night.) Le gusta escucharse dndome à ³rdenes. (He likes listening to himself giving me orders.) Key Takeaways Spanish have five pronouns for use when the subject of a verb is also its object.When a subject is plural, the reflexive pronoun can be translated using either a form such as ourselves or each other, depending on the context.Reflexive pronouns precede the verb or can be attached to an infinitive or gerund.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Further Education in UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Further Education in UK - Essay Example Some FECs are funded directly; others receive money indirectly through a franchise agreement with a higher education institution, or as part of a consortium. Contact details and links to further information on FECs providing HE courses are available through the HERO web-site. The following list gives the 135 FECs that we are funding directly I am proud that my first White Paper as Secretary of State should be on the issue of education for our 14 to 19 year old.( The reforms set out for further education are very much important. They are vital to UK economy equipping young people with the skills employers' need and the ability to go on learning throughout their lives. Reforms are vital for social justice giving us the chance to give break through the historic link between social back ground, educational achievement and life chances that have determined UK citizens as a nation. And most of all these are vital to each and every individual young person, whatever the needs of the young people or whatever they want to be. Young teenagers are tomorrow's leaders, entrepreneurs, parent and community servants, so we should take a special care for the children in the age group of 14 to 19; it is the age period when one needs guidance and help for selecting one's career. Build a system of 14 to 19 education that will do just that. A system that we can be proud of. And one that gives every young person the opportunities they need and deserve. Every child and every teenager has equal worth. We owe it to them to give them the chance to show what they can do, to make the most of their talents, to reach their potential. And the key to doing that is to design a system around them based on high standards, on choice and on meeting individuals' needs and aspirations. To deliver that system will take determination. It will take commitment. It will take the hard work of teachers, lecturers, other education professionals, employers, parents and all who work in or with our schools and colleges. It will require breaking down the artificial barriers between academic and vocational education. It will mean building on all that is good in our system and reforming what is not working. Building from the excellent work of Sir Mike Tomlinson and his Working Group on 14-19 Reform and from the work of the successful school and college partnerships we are already seeing in local communities. It charts a 10-year reform programme and the milestone s needed to achieve it. But more than those details and those milestones, it sets out a vision of what we want for children and teenagers what we want them to learn, the skills we want them to acquire, but above all the values we want them to have. The purpose of the education system is to help each and every individual reach their potential. ( /pdfs/14-19WhitePaper.pdf) School pupils in this age group and (probably) sixth form

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Fast Food Restaurants Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Fast Food Restaurants - Assignment Example Therefore, in Fast Food restaurants industry, customer loyalty is built, earned and retained with the following components; Product quality, Product attributes, Brand name, Store environment (relates to customer experience with the restaurant and restaurant's ambiance), Service quality, Price, Promotion, Trust and Satisfaction. In this industry, a loyal customer means the person who avail's a restaurant's services, is highly satisfied with them, has a pleasant customer experience with the place, trusts the restaurant to provide high quality good food, considers product/service attributes to be excellent, considers the product/service quality as high, considers price to be worth the product/service offering, rates promotional activities to be highly attractive and goes for the brand name created by the restaurant, like McDonalds (Nezakati, 13). For fast food firms, customer loyalty is when a particular customer revisits their restaurant again and again and repurchases their service. M oreover, these are the customers who visit the restaurant very frequently, for instance a customer who eats at the restaurant twice every week. They are happy customers who give a positive feedback when asked about the food and they give generous tips to the waiters. Customer loyalty is measured by the revenue generated from a particular customer, a regular customer whose name every waiter would know or who could be recognized by face (Rehman, 1-2). For customers, customer loyalty is the high level of satisfaction they receive from dining in a fast food restaurant. For them, customer loyalty is a product of high quality product/service that completely fulfills the customer expectations and satisfy their preferences or needs. For customers, to be a loyal consumer of a fast food restaurant's food, it is essential for the restaurant to provide them with a complete service experience. The ambiance of the place must be pleasant and enjoyable. Food must be of high quality and most importantly it must be hygienic and worth every penny they pay for it. The service must be prompt and efficient as customers do not like to wait a lot when it comes to food and restaurant staff must be hospitable and helpful since many at times customers ask for suggestions from the staff as to what they should order and what is the best dish they serve. So in a nutshell, for customers to be loyal they must be provided a high quality food service as for customers, customer loyalty is what an organization earns from the absolute satisfaction of a customer. It is all about meeting customer expectations and living up to them (Rehman, 1-2). To be more specific, companies and customers define customer loyalty by dividing it into two types; attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty. Attitudinal loyalty is a state of mind a customer is in which displays a positive preferential attitude of the customer towards a company's products/services. It simply depends on the customers' liking , if they like a certain brand, like in this case if they love McDonalds, they will even pay a premium price to buy the product compared to its lower priced competitor, for instance KFC in this case. Behavioral loyalty is simply dependent on the customer's conduct without any consideration of their attitude or preference.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Hero Myth - Achilles Essay Example for Free

Hero Myth Achilles Essay The concept of the hero is as old as myth itself. Throughout history both concepts have evolved together. Myths tell tales of the adventures of man, frequently the son of a god or goddess and a human, who is endowed with great promise and destined to perform great feats. Often these feats involve acts of rescue, war or protection. This heroic myth is rooted in the ideal of familial romance. Particularly during adolescence it sustains and expresses the identification of the ego with idealized imagery. The hero myths have been used for centuries to educate and train youths as parts of institutions and groups. One example of a hero is Achilles, made famous through Homer’s epic Illiad. While we may not look at myths today in the same ways as our ancient forebears, the hero myth is still alive and well in our culture today. Achilles was the hero of the Trojan war as related by Homer in the Illiad. He was the mightiest of the Trojan warriors. He began life as a demigod, the son of Peleus, the king of the Myrmidons and a mortal, and Thetis who was a Nereid. The Myrmidons were legendary warriors, very skilled and brave. Nereids are sea nymphs being the daughters of Nereus and Doris. Thetis was very concerned that her son was a mortal. Therefore she attempted to make him immortal. There are two stories of how she wet about this. The lesser-known story is that she burned him in a fire nightly and then healed his wounds with a magical ambrosia. The more well-known story is that she held him tightly by the heel and submersed him in the river Styx. This made his entire body invulnerable except for the spot on his heel where she held him while he was in the river. During Achilles’ boyhood, a seer named Calchas prophesied that Troy would not fall without help from Achilles. Knowing that he would die if he went to Troy, Thetis sent Achilles to the court of Lycomedes in Scyros. He was hidden there in the guise of a young girl. While at the court he had a romance with Deidameia who was the daughter of Lycomedes. The result was a son who was named Pyrrhus. The disguise finally came to an end when Odysseus exposed Achilles by placing arms and armor amongst a display of female garments and picked Achilles out when he was the only â€Å"female† to be interested in the war equipment. Achilles then willingly joined Odysseus on the journey to Troy. He led a host of his father’s Myrmidon troops in addition to his utor Phoenix and his friend Patroclus. Once in Troy, Achilles quickly gained the reputation as an undefeatable warrior. One of his most notable feats was the capture of 23 Trojan towns. One of these was Lyrnessos where he took a war prize in the form of a woman named Briseis. The central action of the Illiad was sparked when Agamemnon, the leader of the Greeks, was forced to give up his war-prize woman, Chryseis, by an oracle of Apollo. As compensation for the loss of Chryseis, Agamemnon took Briseis from Achilles. Thus enraged, Achilles refused to continue fighting for the Greeks. With Achilles’ withdrawal from the action, the war started to go badly for the Greeks and they offered large reparations to try to lure back their greatest warrior. Achilles continued to refuse to rejoin the war, however, he did agree to allow his close friend Patroclus to don his arms and armor and fight in his place. The next day Hector, a Trojan hero, mistook Patroclus for Achilles and killed Patroclus. Achilles was engulfed with rage at Hector and consumed by grief for his friend’s death. Thetis went to Hephaestus and obtained fabulous new armor for Achilles. Achilles recommenced fighting and killed Hector. Not satisfied with Hector’s death, Achilles used his chariot to drag the body before the walls of Troy and refused the corpse funeral rites. Hector’s father Priam, the king of Troy, went secretly to the Greek camp to beg the return of the body. Finally, Achilles relented and allowed Priam to take Hector’s remains. After Hector’s death time started to run out for Achilles. He continued to fight heroically and killed many Trojans as well as their allies. Eventually, Paris, who was another of Priam’s sons, enlisted the aid of Apollo and wounded Achilles in his weak spot – the heel – with an arrow. This caused Achilles death. The enduring legend from the story of Achilles has to do with the concept of the Achilles’ heel. An Achilles’ heel has come to mean that despite overall strength, there is a mortal weakness that can lead to one’s downfall. While the original myth refers to a physical weakness, in modern times it has come to reference other types of character flaws or qualities that can cause ruination. The concept of the hero has changed somewhat in our modern culture. Instead of daring people who buck trends and traditions in order to help their families, nations or cultures, today we tend to revere people like sports figures and actors. While we have the occasional government or political leader such as Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King or Nelson Mandela, most of what you hear about is who is making the most money due to their sports or acting ability. The concept of the sports figure hero can have some validity as these figures do occasionally overcome great odds and perform daring feats on the modern â€Å"battlefield†, i. e. , the sports arena. However, this is nothing compared to the feats of the ancient heros. Hero myths are powerful stories from ancient times. So powerful are they that they cross cultures and ages, continuing to influence us today. Achilles was one of the great heros of ancient times as the mightiest warrior of the Trojan war. While who we classify as a hero has changed in our modern societies, we still look to the concept today. We teach young people about heros as a method to inspire them. We look to our heros as adults to give us guidance and to give us something to guide our hopes and dreams. While modern heros may not be of Achilles’ status, they remain an integral part of our cultures.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Kate Chopins The Story of an Hour - A Big Story in a Small Space :: The Story of an Hour

Story of an Hour – A Big Story in a Small Space  Ã‚      Kate Chopin's "Story of an Hour", tells the story of a woman trapped in a repressive marriage, who wants desperately to escape. She is given that chance, quite by accident, and the story tells of the hour in which this freedom is given her. The story is very short (only two pages), so is interesting to look at as a minimalist piece of literature, and the surprise ending offers an opportunity to look at Chopin's use of foreshadowing. The story is very short, but every word has import in the story and each line has great depth of meaning. It is possible to infer a great deal about the woman's life, even though we are given very little on the surface. A telegraph and a railroad are mentioned in the first paragraph, so there is some idea of the time the story takes place. We are also given her married name and the full name of her husband. The fact that she is referred to only as "Mrs. Mallard", while her husband's full name is given, coupled with what we learn on the second page, gives some indication of the repression she's had to suffer through and the indignity society placed on woman in those times. We also learn in the first paragraph that she lives in a man's world, for, though it is her sister that tells her the news, it is her husband's friend who rushes over with the story. Even after his death, she is confined to the structures she adopted with married life, including the close friend's of her husband. It can also be assumed that Brently Mallard was fairly well off, because they live in a home with an upstairs, comfortable furnishings, and he has occasion and reason to travel. Also, they can afford a doctor's diagnosis that she has a "heart condition". The most important idea that is conveyed in the story is summed up in two sentences, near the end of the story, "There would be no powerful will bending hers in that blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow-creature. A kind intention or a cruel intention made the act seem no less a crime as she looked upon it in that brief moment of illumination".

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Report on the Film “Black Cat, White Cat” by Emir Custurica Essay

have chosen to watch and report on the film â€Å"Black Cat, White Cat† by Emir Custurica for several reasons. Firstly, Custurica is a globally famous filmmaker, known in the US for his â€Å"Arizona Dream†. Secondly, Custurica does pay much attention to matters of culture in his films, so his works are very informative. Thirdly the characters of â€Å"Black Cat, White Cat† belong to different peoples and cultures, including Serbians, Gypsies and Bulgarians. So the film tells enough about cultural and cross-cultural communications. Produced in 1998, the film is a kind of romantic comedy telling a story of several young people in search of their love in the world of gangsters and smugglers. One of those smugglers named Matko Destanov owes money to a gangster named Dadan. Dadan is eager to find a husband for Afrodita – his midget sister and he proposes to settle the debt by marriage of Matko’s son Zare with his sister. However, Zare is in love with another girl named Ida, and Afrodita dreams o another man. After numerous funny and dangerous adventures all of the young people find their happiness, and Dadan finds himself in manure both in metaphorical and ordinary sense. The film is very ironic and easy to watch as a family comedy. As I have already noticed, the film tells much about cultural communications. Firstly these are family and friendship. The characters seem to be very family-oriented and â€Å"beautiful friendship† is one of the core motifs of the story. Young people dream of a family and stable relationships, older people desire to make their children happy as Zare’s grandfather and even such a savage man as Dadan wishes to do the will of his parents even though through violence. Personal relations are basic forces driving the characters in life, business and even crime. They rely upon help of their pals and relatives in virtually every action they take, thusly playing a tricky party game – each for own purposes but considering the will of the others. This can be illustrated by relations of Zare with his grandfather. Zare loves his grandfather and helps him to escape from hospital to return to his bacchanalian lifestyle, and the thankful grandfather gives all his money to Zare. Such approach to personal relations is full of traditionalism and is pretty different from the present situation in this country. Another cultural aspect, which might seem rather evil in this country is attitude of characters towards law. Throughout the film it may seem that there is no law and legal formalities at all. Customers are easily bribed, medical personnel is unable to control the patients, gangsters behave as actual rulers and an official solemnizing a marriages passively does everything what he is ordered to do, even knowing that marriage between Zare and Afrodita is forcible. However, the characters actually do not feel any discomfort from absence of formalities. Law is replaced by aforementioned personal relations, and perhaps they would feel unhappy from presence of legal obligations rather from absence of such obligations. There are many interesting minor cultural details in the film such as marriage customs, costumes, language features and other which, being combined together, create a fascinating impression of involvement in other culture. Films like â€Å"Black Cat, White Cat† cause spectators to become interested in strange lifestyles and habits forming an idea of global cultural diversity.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Gothic Literature Essay

American Gothic Literature is a chance to experience the bizarre and scary natures of an individual. Authors such as Hawthorne, Faulkner and O’conner use the written word to paint these gothic images in the minds of their readers. Supernatural appearances and motifs such as ghosts and monsters, are embodiments of people’s deepest fears and longings. Authors often use creepy settings because it is what revolves around the event. For example, In The Cask of Amontillado it creates a creepy setting, â€Å"I busied myself among the pile of bones of which i have before spoken, throwing them aside†(83).This gives us a suspicious and vigorous feeling of who’s pile of bones that is? It creates an idea that murder has occurred. Another ideal of a direful set is in the story The Raven when the narrator says, â€Å"A distinctly dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor†(467). He clearly tells us what he remembers in December. About the fire tugging its ghost upon the floor. The dreadful settings makes the appearance of it’s leading to the event. Descriptions of characters let’s us know what the character will or may do.For example, In A Rose for Emily, the character Emily demands, â€Å"I want arsenic†. She demands wantin arsenic letting us predict what she may do with it. It gives us clues making a Gothic story more interesting. In Addition, the author of The Masque of the Red Death wrote, â€Å"His vesture was dabbed in blood and his broad brow, with the scarlet horror†(122). The Masque of Red Death is about to attack showing himself in blood with his scarlet horror. It scares the people primarily as to just killing them for a more captivating event .By creating an obscure character, people attend achieving Gothic greatness. The event is the climax of the story with many unexpected tragic stories. For example, in Good Country People Hulga yells at at Manly Pointer, â€Å"‘Give me my leg! ’ sh e screamed and tried to lunge for it, but he pushed her down easily†(12). Hulga did not expect for Manly Pointer to steal her bogus leg. He has always presented himself as a good Christian that is nothing but noble. Furthermore, an unforeseen event makes occurs in A Rose For Emily, â€Å"Then we noticed that in the second pillow was the indentation of a head.One of us lifted something from it, and leaning forward, that faint and invisible dust, dry and acrid in the nostrils, we saw a long strand iron-gray hair†(12). Even though Miss Emily aparted herself from the outside, her murder of Homer was sudden. Miss Emily having Homer’s dead body for so many years conveys there is more than just a solitary feeling in her. Death is usually where the story ends in a Gothic story to follow the sequence of fascinating menacing literature. Abnormal semblance of specters draw the structure of the people’s inmost anxiety and desire.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

New World Order Essays

New World Order Essays New World Order Essay New World Order Essay New World Order: Before and After the Cold War Some say that it is useless to speak of world peace or world law or world disarmament and that it will be useless Until the leaders of the Soviet Union adopt a more enlightened attitude.I hope they do.I believe we can help them to do it.But I also believe that we must reexamine our own attitude as individuals and as a Nation for our attitude is as essential as theirs is.And every graduate of this school, every thoughtful citizen who despairs of war and wishes to bring peace, should begin by looking inward by examining his own attitude toward the possibilities of peace, toward the Soviet Union, toward the course of the Cold War and toward freedom and peace here at home.President John F. Kennedy, American University Speech, June 10, 1963. The Cold War was a time in American History during the twentieth century where the Communist nations were fighting against the non-Communist nations.However, the main countries involved, or the ones leading the two sides were the United States and Russia.The United States led the fight against Communist nations, like Russia.But these intense rivalries didnt just go on in the type of government that should be used or in who could develop the most advanced and most powerful nuclear weapon of the time.This rivalry went into the culture of American societies.The Russians were always being viewed as the toughest rival and the team to beat according to the U.S.It is similar to how teams think of the defending champions in a sport.The team playing the defending champions wants to come out hyped up and with their A-game every time they are competing with them.Another impact it had on the American society was how people started acting and thinking.In many of the movies and television shows of the time, most people wouldnt have noticed, but the directors and producers were hiding subliminal messages in them.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Pathway to Personal Growth and Development for Teachers

Pathway to Personal Growth and Development for Teachers It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to be an effective teacher. Like other careers, there are those who are more natural at it than others. Even those with the most natural teaching ability must put in the time necessary to cultivate their innate talent. Personal growth and development is a critical component that all teachers must embrace in order to maximize their potential. There are several different ways that a teacher can enhance their personal growth and development. Most teachers will use a combination of these methods to solicit valuable feedback and information that will guide their teaching career. Some teachers may prefer one method over another, but each of the following has been proven to be valuable in their overall development as a teacher. Advanced Degree Earning an advanced degree in an area within education is a fantastic way to gain a fresh perspective. It is also an excellent way to learn about the newest educational trends. It provides tremendous networking opportunities, can lead to a pay increase, and allows you to specialize in an area where you may have more interest. Going this route is not for everyone. It can be time-consuming, costly, and sometimes overwhelming as you try to balance the other aspects of your life with those of earning a degree. You must be organized, self-motivated, and adept at multi-tasking to use this as a successful way to improve yourself as a teacher. Advice/Evaluations from Administrators Administrators by nature should be excellent resources of advice for teachers. Teachers should not be afraid to seek help from an administrator. It is essential that administrators are accessible for teachers when they need something. Administrators are typically experienced teachers themselves who should be able to provide a wealth of information. Administrators, through teacher evaluations, are able to observe a teacher, identify strengths and weaknesses, and offer suggestions that when followed will lead to improvement. The evaluation process provides natural collaboration where the teacher and administrator can ask questions, exchange ideas, and offer suggestions for improvement. Experience Experience is perhaps the greatest teacher. No amount of training can truly prepare you for the adversity that a teacher can face in the real world. First year teachers often wonder what they have gotten themselves into over the course of that first year. It can be frustrating and disheartening, but it does become easier. A classroom is a laboratory and teachers are chemists constantly tinkering, experimenting, and mixing things up until they find the right combination that works for them.  Each day and year brings about new challenges, but experience allows us to adapt quickly and make changes ensuring that things continue to operate efficiently. Journaling Journaling can provide valuable learning opportunities through self-reflection. It allows you to capture moments in your teaching career that may be beneficial to reference at other points along the way. Journaling does not have to take a lot of your time. 10-15 minutes a day can provide you with a lot of valuable information.  Learning opportunities arise almost daily, and journaling allows you to encapsulate these moments, reflect on them at a later time, and make adjustments that can help you become a better teacher. Literature There is an overabundance of books and periodicals dedicated to teachers. You can find a plethora of terrific books and periodicals to help improve in any area you may struggle with as a teacher. You can also find several books and periodicals that are inspirational and motivational in nature. There are excellent content driven books and periodicals that can challenge how you teach critical concepts. You will probably not agree with every facet of every book or periodical, but most offer sensational tidbits that we can apply to ourselves and to our classrooms. Asking other teachers, talking to administrators, or doing a quick online search can provide you with a good list of must-read literature. Mentoring Program Mentoring can be an invaluable tool for professional growth and development. Every young teacher should be paired with a veteran teacher. This relationship can prove to be beneficial for both teachers so long as both sides keep an open mind. Young teachers can lean on a veteran teacher’s experience and knowledge while veteran teachers can gain a fresh perspective and insight into the newest educational trends. A mentoring program provides teachers with a natural support system where they are able to seek feedback and guidance, exchange ideas, and vent at times. Professional Development Workshops/Conferences Professional development is a mandatory component of being a teacher.  Every state requires teachers to earn a certain number of professional development hours each year. Great professional development can be critical to the overall development of a teacher. Teachers are presented with professional development opportunities covering varying topics throughout the course of each year. Great teachers recognize their weaknesses and attend professional development workshops/conferences to improve these areas. Many teachers commit a portion of their summer to attending professional development workshops/conferences. Workshops/conferences also provide teachers with invaluable networking opportunities that can further enhance their overall growth and improvement. Social Media Technology is changing the face of education inside and outside of the classroom. Never before have teachers been able to make the global connections that they are able to make now. Social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Google , and Pinterest have created a global exchange of ideas and best practices amongst teachers. Personal Learning Networks (PLN) are providing teachers with a new avenue for personal growth and development. These connections provide teachers with a vast array of knowledge and information from other professionals across the globe. Teachers struggling in a particular area are able to ask their PLN for advice. They quickly receive responses with valuable information they can use for improvement. Teacher-Teacher Observations Observations should be a two-way street. Doing the observing and being observed are equally valuable learning tools. Teachers should be open to allowing other teachers in their classroom on a regular basis. It is necessary to note that this will not work if either teacher is egotistical or easily offended. Every teacher is different. They all have their individual strengths and weaknesses. During observations, the observing teacher is able to take notes detailing the other teacher’s strength and weaknesses. Later they can sit down together and discuss the observation. This provides a collaborative opportunity for both teachers to grow and improve. The Internet The Internet provides unlimited resources to teachers with the click of a mouse. There are millions of lesson plans, activities, and information available online for teachers. Sometimes you have to filter everything to find the highest quality content, but search long enough and you will find what you are looking for. This instant access to resources and content makes teachers better. With the Internet, there is no excuse for failing to provide your students with the highest quality lessons. If you need a supplemental activity for a particular concept, you can find likely find it quickly. Sites like YouTube, Teachers Pay Teachers, and Teaching Channel offer quality educational content that can improve teachers and their classrooms.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Color Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Color - Research Paper Example Color may be quantified and described by the extent to which they stimulate different types of cone cells (Travis, 2003). This is because color perception stems from different spectrum sensitivity of various cone cells in the retina to various parts of the spectrum. The physiological or physical color quantifications do not fully describe the color appearance and its psychophysical perception. The science of color is referred to as chromatography, color science or chromatics (Farndon, 2003). It involves color perception by the brain and human eye. Human perception of color originates from composites of light, photons’ energy spectrum entering the eye. The retina contains photosensitive cells on the back of the eye’s the inner surface. These photosensitive cells are composed of pigments absorbing visible light (Savage, 1998). There are two classes of photosensitive cells: cones and rods. Cones are responsible for human ability to distinguish between various colors (Klein er, 2004). On the other hand, the rods sense light intensity variations and are effective in dim light. Rods sense the flux of no photon energy, the incident photons. Therefore, whenever there is a dim light, human eye do not perceive colored objects as shades of color, but as shades of grey (Travis, 2003). Diagram of color and light Perception of color in the retina is done by photoreceptor cones which are sensitive to photons whose energy widely extend beyond the green, blue, and red spectrum portions (Kleiner, 2004). Color vision is often possible because of the differing photon energy sensitivity of the sets of cones (Savage, 1998). For every flux of photons or color signal, a ration of response in the different sets of cones is triggered. This ration is what permits color perception. During the day, human vision is effectively mostly in the blue-green where the spectrum of the sun is in its maximum region (Travis, 2003). Color sensation primarily depends on light composition, a mixture of colored light and white light (in itself can be wavelength mixture, like purple’s case) (Farndon, 2003). The colored light may have dominant hue or wavelength. The degree to which the wavelength dominates is referred to as chroma, saturation. This saturation, chroma decreases as the white light deletes the wavelength. There are 3 receptors that respond to various wavelengths in the eye. This results in attempts to chart colors via e primary lights mixture. A good number of colors are produces through mixing lights originating from the 3 primary lights. However, not all colors can be produced in this manner (Savage, 1998). Color vision development in human beings is an interesting process of evolution (Kleiner, 2004). The human eye is not in a linear straightforward development. Development of color vision begins as a light sensitive pigment and then differentiates on a smaller creature to create structures that are sensitive to light (Savage, 1998). These light se nsitive structures disperse in the forming eyeball and turns to be the retina. Initially, retina was like a moving sensor. However, it developed the ability to delineate fine details and to see color. The evolution of the eye and color perception is a standard development seen in all vertebrates and many non-vertebrates. So what is color? Why does retina develop ability to see color? (Farndon, 2003). Color is a visual perception that corresponds in human to the categories referred to as blue,

Friday, November 1, 2019

Personal statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 33

Personal Statement Example It will be interesting to be among the first people to introduce the services of pshychobiologist in my home country. I intend to work in a government institution as a researcher since there will be facilities and resources to further the knowledge on this field. I also wish to go around the world disseminating the research knowledge through seminars and practice in helping in treating patients with behaviour disorders that can be linked to their biological characteristics. I believe by the time I am through with the course there will be numerous areas requiring further research and will be more than willing to engage in uncovering the hidden clues on how biology is linked to human behaviour and mental phenomena. I will ensure I work very hard as a biology student so that I can sharpen my knowledge before starting Psychobiology. It will be my life-long goal to serve the people of Macau in changing their mentality towards those suffering from mental illnesses and especially those that have biological basis. I look forward to being a productive member of the society after studying this very interesting and relatively new