Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Movie: Disaster At Hillsborough :: essays research papers

Movie Disaster at HillsboroughSummary     The movie "Disaster at Hillsborough" showed the complexity of a stampede.From the build-up of people outside the gate, to the happening that ended in thedeath of 95 people.     The film started out outside the stadium where 95 people died at asoccer game. The stadium was non equipped for the masses of people to show upall at the same place at the same time. According to the officer interviewedthere was no plan in case of an emergency and no problems anticipated. Theatmosphere outside the gates was pleasant and people were looking forward to agood game. The stampede started when the people in the rear realized that thegame was to start before they were going to get in. The stampede could possiblybeen averted if the kickoff were delayed but the troops "in charge" refused todelay. Just as at the "Who" concert the people in the rear of the line were inan acquisitive panic to get into the stadium. This crush was recognized bythe police in the front of the line and due to poor communication nothing couldbe done to stop it. A bountiful gate "gate C" was finally opened to let off thepressure in front. This is when the true disaster occurred. People funneledstraight onto the already sound pens and created the stampede which killed the 95people. People in the rear were in an acquisitive panic and the people in thefront who were getting crushed were in a fearful panic. The emergency gateswould open but the police, not realizing the situation, kept people in andclosed the gates.Critique     This example could not be any longer perfect to show a stampede and panic.All four components were met. (1) Partial entrapment the reality is completeentrapment. As at the Who concert the only avenue of flight of steps was blocked by thepolice. (2) Perceived threat this comes from both ends of the panic. Thepeople at the rear were threatened by the fact that they would miss the kickoffof the game or even not be able to get into the game. The people at the frontwere facing the threat of being crushed. (3) The partial breakdown of escaperouts is taken for granted(predicate) from the front. The gates to get out were blocked by thepolice and there was a high fence blocking everyone on all sides except the dig which was blocked by people trying to get into the pens. (4) Front torear communications breakdown occurred when the people at the fence realized the

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